A Digital Wasteland
On Saturday, I presented a paper at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) 2015 Conference, which was held in Portland, Oregon. I had the unlucky time slot of 8:30am on the last day of the conference, and so have decided to share my slides and link to the paper for those who were unable to attend.

The complete proceedings have been published as an open access PDF. The papers are also available individually on the ACRL website, where you will find a PDF of my paper, “A ‘Digital Wasteland’: Modernist Periodical Studies, Digital Remediation, and Copyright.”
Two corrections that I’d like to make to the version of the paper that was published in the proceedings:
1. On p. 193, I incorrectly attribute the Pulp Magazines Project to David Earle. The project was created and continues to be developed by Patrick Scott Belk, who is currently Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Dickinson College.
2. On p. 196, I incorrectly refer to Clifford Wulfman as a “founding participant” in the Modernist Journals Project, when he, in fact, joined the project in 2004.
Although I readily admit that these error were simply my own mis-remembering, they also highlight the need for a reference resource that documents this kind of project metadata. When was a project created? By whom? Who funded it? Is it still active? Having a database with this information would be a fantastic resource for anyone working through the history of the digital humanities and related fields. And if you’re creating a digital project, please please please add a simple page to act as your t.p. verso!